Reboot, Revitalize, and Glow this Spring! By: Jill Eleson, CHHC, AADP

 Do you feel sluggish, stressed and tired of feeling this way?

Are you ready to do something that would make you feel amazing?

 Reboot, Revitalize, and Glow this Spring!

Imagine days full of energy, breaking free from habits not serving you well, and having mental clarity to deal with life’s challenges…particularly toddlers and preschoolers!  How would it feel to:

  • Learn which foods work best for you
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Lose excess weight naturally
  • Increase your energy and feel recharged
  • Sleep better
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Improve your immune system
  • Learn to prioritize and take care of yourself

To do this, it is important to understand toxicity in our world and how it affects us.  Our air, food, stress, lack of sleep, chemicals, medicines, inactivity, personal care products, etc., all create excess inflammation in our bodies, making us toxic.  This can leave you feeling like you have the blahs.

The good news?  You can do something about it!  There are proven ways to rid toxicity from your body and mind.

2 years ago, I was toxic and it affected my ability to care for my family which includes three small children.  I did my research, healed myself, and have successfully maintained a healthy lifestyle ever since without it feeling like a to-do list or something that deprives me.

Reducing toxicity can happen in several ways.  Consciously choose your food and personal care products, develop a good bedtime routine, use natural cleaning products, get active, and create meaningful “me time”, and the best way is to participate in a safe and effective cleanse.

Cleansing physically and emotionally several times a year can greatly reduce toxicity, leaving you feeling better than ever.  That is why I developed my CLEAN EATING REBOOT programs.  A seasonal eProgram that comes with my full support and guidance.  Using a proven 3-phase approach and self-care tools over 15 days, you will cleanse toxicity from your body and mind.  In the Pre-Reboot Phase, you prepare to release toxicity, in the Reboot Phase you eliminate common allergens, and in Transition, you slowly add foods back in to learn which foods are best for you.

The program comes with a guide, self-care tools, chef-created recipes, shopping lists, bonuses, and my full support to make it simple.  You deserve to feel your best!

-Jill Eleson, CHHC, AADP